The Writing Center

Need one- on- one writing help? The Ball State Writing Center is the perfect place to    go. Their main location is in the Robert Bell building, but they also have drop-in hours in   Bracken Library.

<--Robert Bell Building.

Bracken Library

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Need Sources for your paper? Want to find a book to fill your extra time? Bracken Library is a great source for students to find books, movies, and even music! 

                                                                 Bracken Library-->

BSU English Department

OH NO NOT ANOTHER ENGLISH SITE! The BSU English Dapartment gives students a lot of helpful tips when it comes to putting the finishing touches on those great portfoilos! It has the the grading rubric that teachers use to grade papers. So if your smart check it out!

Penguin Handbook

The Penguin Handbook is made to help students with MLA and Works Cited. It's a great tool to have by your side to answer all the questions that you have about writing the Penguin will answer it.

Writing Process

Need help with writing? The Writing Process helps students organize the steps of the paper. It gives a step by step guide as to how your paper should be.